

The most advanced background image extension for VSCode

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Add multiple background images for the window, editors, sidebars, or the panel. Load backgrounds from file, glob, or URL. Transition between multiple background images.

editor background



  1. Type Background: Configuration in the command pallette or press the Background tab in the statusbar.
  2. Select where you want to add a background (Window, Editor, Sidebar, Panel).
  3. Add backgrounds and change how it should be displayed.
  4. Use Background: Install or press the install button.


Multiple Backgrounds

Add background images for the whole window, editors, sidebars, or the panel. Transition between multiple background images.

Full Window
window background
Editor, Sidebar, and Terminal
editor background
multiple backgrounds

Configuration Menu

Type Background: Configuration in the command pallette or press the Background tab in the statusbar to access the configuration menu.

configuration menu

Glob, URL, and Environment Variable Support

Add background images by file, folder, glob, or URL.

⚠️ Use only / for directories

node-glob only accepts / as path separators, \ is reserved for escape characters.

file menu


Background: InstallInstalls and enables the background.
Background: UninstallUninstalls and disables the background.
Background: ReloadRandomizes the backgrounds. Background must already be installed.
Background: ConfigurationOpens the configuration menu.
Background: ChangelogOpens changelog.


Use the Background: Configuration command to access the configuration menu.

Background properties are saved as arrays so you can have different options for different UI elements.

The order settings are saved in is:

  1. Window
  2. Editor
  3. Sidebar
  4. Panel
background.windowBackgroundsstring[]The list of files or globs to use for the window background image.
background.editorBackgroundsstring[]The list of files or globs to use for editor background images.
background.sidebarBackgroundsstring[]The list of files or globs to use for the sidebar background images.
background.panelBackgroundsstring[]The list of files or globs to use for the panel background image.

background.backgroundAlignmentenum[4]The alignment of the background image.
background.backgroundAlignmentValuestring[4]If the background image alignment is set to Manual, this is the literal value for the background-position css property. Only accepts a css <position>.
background.backgroundBlurstring[4]Background image blur. Only accepts a css <length>.
background.backgroundOpacitynumber[4]The UI opacity. 0 is fully visible and 1 is invisible.
background.backgroundRepeatenum[4]The background image repeat.
background.backgroundSizeenum[4]The background image size.
background.backgroundSizeValuestring[4]If the background image size is set to Manual, this is the literal value for the background-size css property. Only accepts a css <position>.
background.backgroundChangeTimenumber[4]How long in seconds before the background should automatically change. Set to 0 to always use the same image.

background.autoInstallbooleanAutomatically installs backgrounds and reloads the window on startup if changes are detected or VSCode updates.
This option is disabled when you run the uninstall command.
background.renderContentAboveBackgroundbooleanRender content like images, PDFs, and markdown previews above the background.
background.smoothImageRenderingbooleanUse smooth image rendering rather than pixelated rendering when resizing images.
background.CSSstringApply raw CSS to VSCode.

Environment Variables

${vscode:workspace}Current VSCode project folder
${user:home}Current user’s home directory
${...}System environment variable


Add this extension to your package.json.

    "extensionDependencies": [

Access the api by using:

const background = vscode.extensions.getExtension("katsute.code-background").exports;
  • install(): void

    Runs the Background: Install command.

  • uninstall(): void

    Runs the Background: Uninstall command.

  • reload(): void

    Runs the Background: Reload command.

  • get(ui): string[]?
    • ui : Background to get from; either window, editor, sidebar, panel.

    Returns an array of globs for the specified background.

  • add(ui, glob): Promise<boolean>
    • ui : Background to add to; either window, editor, sidebar, panel.
    • glob: Glob to add.

    Returns true if successful.

  • replace(ui, old, glob): Promise<boolean>
    • ui : Background to replace from; either window, editor, sidebar, panel.
    • old: Glob to replace.
    • glob: Updated glob.

    Returns true if successful.

  • remove(ui, glob): Promise<boolean>
    • ui : Background to remove from; either window, editor, sidebar, panel.
    • glob: Glob to remove.

    Returns true if successful.


This extension is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2.0.


Developer & Maintainer
June 2022
July 2022
Last Updated
April 2024

The only background extension that supports glob. Add multiple background images for the window, editors, sidebars, or the panel. Created as an improved alternative to existing background extensions.

Long Term Support

Built with
  • TypeScript
  • NodeJS
Built for
  • VSCode
Built using
  • VSCode